Monday, April 4, 2011


Here are some arts by N. C. Wyeth for the story "Robinson Crusoe", really fantastic stuff his work. The art captures the feel and emotion in the book, of Crusoe's words as he tells about his life. Here are some fav's:

This first one is of Robinson not listening to dear old dad, gee that sounds familiar....

Out on his own, collecting what he can after, basically, total disaster.

In this scene we have Crusoe realizing the magnitude of his situation, I love this "shot", who hasn't been where he has in this picture? His problems are bigger than he is, manifested in the background.

I like this one because it shows Crusoe in a home of his own doing, relaxed, he's reaping his rewards here. A dry shelter with a solid table and chair, a sturdy fence to keep pests out and a good book (well the good book, ;^} ), what more could a man want?

Robison out and about in a boat of his own making, in a first solo boat trip, anything could go wrong, he's at the mercy of nature and his control is limited. I can really relate to this one well being an amateur pilot, you have only your knowledge to rely on. In this scene, the fact that Crusoe has only his eyes and arms to guide him and no other instruments to help him on his course, makes it all the more frightening.  

And finally robinson teaching a parrot how to be civil and speak like a human, people come up with all sorts of strange things to do when they don't need to make money and have no one to boss them around.

These are just some of N.C. Wyeth's paintings he did for Robinson Crusoe, for more info on N.C. Wyeth look here:

If you ever have even a small desire to read the story of Robinson Crusoe, do so, recommended.  

1 comment:

  1. I couldnt even imagine what i would do if i didnt have to worry about money or anyone bossing me around i mean talk about utopia!
